Quantum computing takes its first successful steps in secure cryptography and photon teleportation, marking a milestone in 21st-century technology.

Quantum computing, a branch of quantum physics that promises to revolutionize technology, has achieved significant milestones in recent decades. From secure quantum cryptography to photon teleportation, these achievements have demonstrated the immense potential of this emerging technology. This article explores some of the most significant advances that have marked the beginning of the quantum era.

Quantum Cryptography: Secure Communication over 23 Km

In an unprecedented breakthrough, the first successful experiment of secure communication using quantum cryptography was conducted over a distance of 23 kilometers. This achievement was made possible by the nature of quantum bits, or «qubits,» which can exist in multiple states simultaneously, unlike classical bits that can only be 0 or 1. Quantum cryptography relies on principles of quantum mechanics, such as entanglement and superposition, to ensure that communication is completely secure and immune to eavesdropping.

This experiment demonstrated that it is possible to send information securely over long distances using qubits. The ability to detect any attempt to intercept the data is one of the main advantages of quantum cryptography, as any alteration in the state of the qubits would be immediately noticeable.

First Quantum Teleportation of a Photon

Another important milestone in the history of quantum computing was the first quantum teleportation of a photon. In this experiment, scientists managed to transfer the quantum properties of one photon to another, essentially teleporting the information from one place to another without the original photon physically traveling. This phenomenon, known as quantum teleportation, is based on quantum entanglement, where two particles become interdependent such that the state of one instantly affects the state of the other, regardless of the distance separating them.

The success of this experiment opened the door to astounding possibilities in the field of communication and information processing, demonstrating that instant transmission of quantum data is feasible.

Advances in Qubit Propagation

Between 1998 and 1999, researchers at Los Alamos and MIT achieved a crucial breakthrough by propagating the first qubit through an amino acid solution. This experiment represented a fundamental step in analyzing the information carried by a qubit, as it allowed the study of how qubits behave in different environments and conditions.

The ability to propagate qubits in a controlled manner is essential for the development of quantum computing, as it enables the creation of quantum networks and the performance of complex calculations with unprecedented precision and efficiency. This advance laid the groundwork for future developments in the field, including the creation of more robust quantum computers and the implementation of advanced quantum algorithms.

These pioneering achievements in quantum cryptography, photon teleportation, and qubit propagation have cemented the foundation of what we now know as quantum computing. As technology continues to advance, it is likely that we will see even more revolutionary applications that will transform the way we process and communicate information. Quantum computing is not only a reality but is on its way to becoming an unstoppable force that will redefine the future of technology.


  • Theoretical and practical aspects of quantum cryptography.
  • Quantum teleportation experiments.
  • Development and propagation of qubits in chemical solutions.

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